Sunday, December 28, 2008

To Mexico Again - El Diez de Abril y El Rancho Jim Brake

Ing. Ponce, Tio Roy, Ing. Gonzalez
El Diez De Abril (Senores con derechos)

Round-up at El Diez De Abril - This was for the purpose to vaccinate the cattle against a virus attacking cattle at other ranches nearby.  I helped during this process and it was a very interesting experience.  It made me feel proud to be a part of it.  It was certainly an experience I will never forget and it gave me a glimpse of the hard work ranchers deal with on a regular basis.

Horseback riding with Tio Roy - wait, and why did I get the short horse?

Mom shown reading "los diez mandamientos del flojo" to Los Tios.
Me with Mom, Tio Roy, Tio Alex, Tio Frankie and Tia Emilia
Jim Brake Ranch (the family ranch)
Tio Roy and Tia Pipi - El Diez de Abril, November 2008
Love this sunset photo!
Wuame plant
Tio Roy's Priced Bull
Bad boys having some fun!
Cows - El Diez de Abril
Tio Roy's Horses - El Diez de Abril
Abuelita La's (great-grand mother) sewing machine
Sunset at El Diez de Abril
Mom and Tia (middle two) at El Apache with Lucia (far left) and Lorena (outer right)
Tio Roy's Four Young Bulls  "Toritos"
Old truck - El Diez de Abril
Asiento del Sol - El Diez de Abril
Tia Pipi - Rancho Jim Brake

Tio Roy

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